
Gut-Friendly Fun: Top tips for festivals and holidays

27th August, 2024

Whether you’re immersing yourself in the music and excitement of a summer festival or it’s finally come round to that holiday you’ve been thinking about for months, don’t let tummy troubles stop you in your tracks.

Here are our top tips for looking after your gut whilst you’re having fun:

1) Take an intestinal adsorbent

You don’t want to worry about the squits ruining your fun. Intestinal adsorbents can be really useful to help relieve IBS-D and travellers’ diarrhoea, as well as other tummy symptoms like stomach pain and bloating. They work by absorbing toxins and other harmful substances in your gut so your body can remove them easily when you go to the loo.

They’re easy to get over the counter. Try taking an intestinal adsorbent at the first sign of trouble – or preventatively.

Read our review of the intestinal adsorbent, Enterosgel, here:

2) Probiotics before you go

Probiotics can be your gut’s best friends. They’re the good bacteria that keep you and your gut healthy and happy. And we all know that when you’re away at a festival or on holiday, you’re probably not eating your usual balanced diet (hello cocktails, burger vans and that extra ice cream…)

There are two ways to pack in the probiotics:

EAT THEM: Before you go, give your gut the best chance of fighting off those nasty bugs by improving your gut microbiome diversity. Pack your plate with plenty of probiotic-rich foods. Think fermented foods like kefir, sauerkraut, kimchi and even cheeses like blue cheese and cottage cheese.

SUPPLEMENT THEM: Pack a probiotic supplement.

Check out our unbiased probiotic reviews to find out which ones are trusted and backed by science here:

3) Fill up on fibre

Getting enough fibre is essential for your gut health. It helps keep things moving and feeds your friendly gut bacteria. Aim for 30g of fibre every day.

This might sound like a lot, but simple swaps can make all the difference. Fruits, vegetables, wholegrains, nuts and seeds are all great sources of fibre. It can be as easy as packing things like wholegrain sandwiches with veggies, oat bars, nuts, bananas and apples to eat on the go.

If you’re upping your fibre intake, take it slow to give your gut time to adapt. And drink plenty of water to help the fibre work its magic.

4) Enjoy the local food

Did you know eating the foods you’ll be having at your destination *before* you go can help reduce the risk of getting an upset tummy when you’re there?… Yep, you read that right. Introducing your body to the local cuisine in advance can get your body used to it and hopefully help to ease those tummy troubles.

5) Stay active, stay regular

Keep your body moving to keep your digestive system moving. Staying active can not only reduce the risk of getting constipated, bloated and indigestion, but a long walk or jog around is a great way to see more of the sights.

6) Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate

Drinking enough water while you’re away is essential. One of the most common digestive symptoms when travelling is getting bunged up, but getting plenty of fluids can keep everything running smoothly.

Remember to check if the tap water’s safe to drink though! – or stick to bottled water. And don’t forget to watch out for ice too! Ice made from pure unpurified water can be a prime culprit for food poisoning abroad.

The bottom line…

Enjoying yourself doesn’t mean you need to ignore your gut health.

Follow our simple tricks and you’ll be living and leaving just as good, if not better, than when you left – without the digestive drama.

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