This product has not been tested in any clinical trials and therefore we cannot support the claims being made at this time.
Some of the ingredients in the Rheal Clean Green’s drink have been shown to provide positive health effects in clinical trials. However, the doses of each ingredient are much lower in Rheal Clean Green’s compared to those used in the clinical trials. Therefore, we cannot know whether this drink provides the same benefits at these lower doses without it being clinically studied itself.
Reviews are for informational purposes only and do not constitute medical advice
Supports immunity
Supports energy
Supports digestion
BAOBAB: To our knowledge, there are no trials in humans showing any benefits of baobab powder on immunity, energy or digestion.
BARLEY GRASS: To our knowledge, there are no trials in humans showing any benefit of barley grass powder on immunity, energy or digestion.
CHLORELLA: A randomised, controlled trial in 44 healthy volunteers found that consuming 27ml Chlorella water extract every day for 3 months led to improvements in antioxidant levels, as well as oxidative and aging stress markers. However, it is unclear on how much the dose in this product compares to this.
MORINGA: A randomised, controlled trial involving 20 healthy volunteers showed that a cookie containing 5% moringa powder resulted in significantly lower blood glucose and appetite levels after a meal. The amount of moringa powder used was 8.4g which is much larger than that found in a serving of the Clean Greens powder.
PINEAPPLE: To our knowledge, there are no trials in humans showing in benefit of pineapple powder on immunity, energy or digestion. Pineapple contains the enzyme bromelain. Bromelain may have some inflammatory effects at a dose of 160mg per day. However, it is unclear on the dose of bromelain in Clean Greens compared to clinical trials.
WHEATGRASS: The Clean Greens powder boasts about the high fibre content of wheatgrass. However, the amount of total fibre per serving is 1.7 g, which is not high fibre. To our knowledge, there are no human trial showing any benefits of wheatgrass powder on immunity or digestion.
SPIRULINA: A systematic review of randomised controlled trials demonstrated the improved blood lipid levels with the consumption of spirulina. In total, 20 studies involving a total of 1,076 volunteers, found significant improvements in cardiovascular risk factors, such as reduced LDL cholesterol and increased HDL cholesterol. However, the benefits were seen with doses of 4-10g/day, which is much larger than the dosage in a single serving of the Clean Greens drink.
Organic: Baobab Powder, Barley Grass Powder, Chlorella Powder, Moringa Powder, Pineapple Powder, Wheatgrass Powder, Spirulina Powder.
(Note: Ingredient quantities not disclosed)
Nutritional profile
Per 5g serving:
Vitamin C = 22.75mg / 28.45%*
Calcium = 22.05mg / 2.75%*
Iron = 1.6mg / 11.4%*
Fibre = 1.73g / 6.9%
*Daily Reference Intake
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