Food = Mood Sticker


Hypnotherapy app for IBS


Trusted for: IBS|

Price: £

Date reviewed: Updated 10/2023

Good For Your Gut Sticker


Helps fix the "miscommunication" between your gut and brain

Works just as well as the low FODMAP diet for IBS

The Research

Nerva is a potentially helpful treatment for managing IBS symptoms, but randomized, controlled trials of Nerva are needed

What's in it?

Hypnotherapy has been shown in randomized, controlled trials be an effective treatment for IBS. This includes group and individual hypnotherapy sessions

To date, hypnotherapy through Nerva has only been tested in one non-randomized, uncontrolled trial clinical trial

2843 people with IBS completed a 7-day free trial of Nerva, with 50% going on to purchase the full 42 session programmes

Only 9% completed all 42 sessions. However, 2 in 3 people who completed the course saw a significant improvement in IBS symptoms

*price per month based on 3-month access at £49

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