The Verdict
NDS Probiotic PANDA may help to prevent eczema in babies when taken during pregnancy and the first year of life. However, pregnant people should consult with their doctor before taking any medication or supplement.
Reviews are for informational purposes only and do not constitute medical advice
Prevention of allergies / eczema in babies.
Normalise defecation/flow of intestinal contents (both in relation to diarrhoea and sluggish bowel). Induce an intestinal flora that is similar to a nursing infant (babies that do not breastfeed).
Helps the immune system during infection. Improve the intestinal flora composition and growth, as well as preventing intestinal infections in premature babies.
The Research
A randomized controlled trial in 102 expectant mothers with a family history of eczema found that the combination of probiotics at the dose in PANDA formula may help to prevent the development of eczema in their children when taken 6-8 weeks before birth. The babies also took it for their first year of life. The results showed a reduction in eczema after 3-months that was sustained until 2 years old.
What's in it?
Rice starch, Maltodextrin, mineral mix and Enzymes. 5 strains of probiotic bacteria (Ecologic PANDA): B.longum, B.lactis, L. lactis, B. infantis, and B. breve M/116V (x 109 CFU/gram).
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