
5 cheeses you can eat if you’re lactose intolerant

6th August, 2024
5 cheeses you can eat if your lactose intolerant

Around 1 in 10 of us in the UK are thought to be lactose intolerant and struggle to deal with dairy. You might be thinking that means having to totally cut out cheese. But let us tell you that you don’t have to give up the good stuff completely.

Read on to find out why – and what low-lactose cheeses to go for.

What actually is lactose intolerance?

Lactose intolerance means your body struggles to break down lactose – the natural sugar in dairy. That’s because your small intestine isn’t producing enough of an enzyme called lactase that’s needed to digest the lactose. So, when you eat dairy, the bacteria in your gut ferment that undigested lactose. And that can mean tummy troubles like cramps, bloating, gas and diarrhoea.

Want the good news? Even people with lactose intolerance are usually totally fine with having around 6-12g of lactose at any one sitting without problems.

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