Gundry MD Bio Complete 3


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Price: £££

Date reviewed: 04/2024

The Verdict

This product has not been tested in a clinical trial. The prebiotics in this product are probably at too low of a dose to have any benefit. This product needs to be tested first before claims can be supported.

Reviews are for informational purposes only and do not constitute medical advice


A slim waistline

Smoother digestion

Easier, regular bathroom visits

Reduced cravings for unhealth "junk foods"

And even more energy

The Research

The dose of prebiotics ‘acacia gum’ and ‘PHGG’ are much lower in this product compared to clinical trials to have any prebiotic effects or support claims for improved metabolism and digestion. For example, the benefits seen in clinical trials dose of acacia gum is around 20-40g and PHGG is around 5g. The dose in this product is less than 1g combined per serving.

There are no trials in humans of the postbiotic ‘tributyrin’ to show that is has any benefits.

The probiotic ‘Bacillus coagulans ProDura’ aka ‘IS2’ has been shown to help with IBS symptoms and constipation at a dose of 2 billion cfu, but it is unclear what the dose is in this product. The probiotic ‘Bifidobacterium bifidum UABb-10’ has not been studied independently in humans to show any particular benefit. The combination of these probiotics has not been tested.

What's in it?

Probiotic blend (450mg): Acacia Gum (from Corebiome), SunFiber, Guar Fiber (PHGG)

Postbiotic blend (300mg): Tributyrin (from Corebiome)

Probiotic blend (no cfu reported): Bacillus coagulans (ProDura), Bifidobacterium bifidum UABb-10

Other ingredients: Hydroxypropyl Methylcellulose, Microcrystalline Cellulose, Magnesium Stearate, Silica, Dextrin.

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